Boot Camp
The Philosophy of Chum Tran’s Boot Camp Fitness Training is core strength, stamina and flexibility. This comprehensive physical training program is fun and challenging, at Boot Camp we focus on core strength training exercises that are designed to increase your speed, cardiovascular endurance, muscle tone, and weight loss. You will get the expertise and benefits of one-on-one personal fitness training with the camaraderie and motivation of working in a group with others just like you. Chum’s Boot Camp will guide you through structured and motivating workouts to maximize your body’s potential and health. Chum’s Boot Camp will give you the tools you need to jump start your fitness goals and metabolism in a fun high energy environment. Boot Camp meets two to three times per week for 45 minutes. Contact Chum for availability and times. Join us now for an intense and exciting 6 week program!
Personal Training
Personal Training is for ALL LEVELS OF FITNESS!
It’s never too late to get started! Take time out and do this for YOU! If you are just getting started with your fitness journey or have special requests and would rather have a one on one or two on one training Session this is for you. Chum can cater each training to your specific level of training and your specific needs.
TEAM Training
TEAM Training is a great way to get your team focused, strong, agile and ready for the Sports season ahead! Chum is currently the Oskar Blues Headquarters trainer, Chum has also been the off season sports Team Trainer for Niwot Boys Baseball, Youth soccer, Youth triathlon training and many more. Contact Chum for additional information.
Fascial Stretch Therapy
Fascial Stretch Therapy™ is the cutting edge service created by Ann Frederick and Chris Frederick that markedly transforms individuals, families, companies and sports teams by helping them achieve a higher quality of life and performance. Chum is s certified FST Trainer. FST provides hands-on assisted stretching, manual therapy & movement training for professional athletes, clients who need improvement on mobility and flexibility, clients looking for rapid recovery and clients recovering from injuries. FST is great for ALL ages!